Sunday, September 22, 2024


I was fortunate enough to catch up with Whitely Strieber last week, which makes it sound like we're old friends and we had organised to get together.  That, of course, wasn't the case. I was just in a position where I knew I would be able to say hello to him. I have met Whitley once before. On that occasion he was seated with friends, and he was happy to talk and sign my copy of Communion.  But he was with some friends, and I made a point of not interrupting or taking up too much of his time.

On this occasion, we were able to talk a little longer.  (I would have kept him for hours, but I didn't want to monopolise him!)  He kindly signed my Communion DVD (He was played by Christopher Walken) and a couple of books, listened to a couple of my experiences, offered suggestions and advice, and answered a couple of questions I had.  He even remembered me from last time.

Whitley is lovely. A gentleman who has had many years of strange experiences. People have accused him of doing it all for money, but the truth is there was no money compared to his previous writing career.  These experiences also cost him a great deal, personally. Yet to hear him say he wouldn't change them if he could is remarkable.

I first read Communion in the late 80s, shortly after it was published. I don't recall why I picked it up - maybe it was simply because I'd always been interested in UFOs.  But I know that me, back then, reading it in a shared house, would have been stunned to know that I would get to meet and talk with the author a couple of times.

He is an engaging speaker, and I loved every minute of his presentation. He even went overtime, but unfortunately he had to finish as we had to be out of the space by a set time. He then said he could happily speak for five hours. Whitley, I could happily listen to you for five hours.

And anytime you're up around this part of the UK, I'd love to buy you a drink or two. Hmmm. How many could you drink in five hours?

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