Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Truth is Out There?

During the past 3 or 4 years, I've had a number of experiences that cannot be explained easily. Of course there could be prosaic explanations for some of these events, but despite a lot of thought, research and exploration, I am left without any real explanations. 

That doesn't mean I'm automatically attributing them to UFOs and the paranormal, but these are subjects which interest me greatly. I've read widely on the subject, watched videos, and spoken to others. I'm not a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracist, nor am I firm in believing they are amongst us.  I do believe there are many things which cannot be explained with our understanding of science, and I also believe the Governments know things and are hiding them from the public.

I've read widely and regularly on this topic since I was about 12 years old. I find the whole idea of conspiracy theory fascinating. I find the worlds of ufology and the paranormal completely entertaining and interesting. Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe - but unfortunately I don't think my own experiences, despite their weirdness and high strangeness, are not convincing enough for me to consider as any kind of real proof.

There are many, many podcasts for those who are interested. I try to avoid the ones where the "woo" factor is strong, the ones that wander too far into the sensational or fiction. But there are plenty of others that attempt to be balanced and objective.

I still watch every episode of Sean Patrick Hazlett's Through A Glass Darkly, and Preston Dennett's UFOs and the ParanormalThat UFO Podcast is always enjoyable and informative, while Weaponized and Need to Know have seasoned, respectable journalists exploring the topic. I first read Whitely Strieber's Communion in the late 80s and was fortunate enough to meet Strieber and ask him to sign my copy. His Dreamland podcast continues on the same themes,  Richard Dolan regularly deep dives into aspects of the phenomenon, Cristina Gomez does a great job in covering current events and interviewing guests of interest, while Paul Sinclair's Truth Proof is informative and reasonably local to my own world.

As an aside, Bryce Zabel (Need to Know podcast) is a huge Beatles fan. I had his book on the Beatles many years before I knew of his UFO interest. (BTW, Bryce. If you're ever up for a discussion on the Beatles and UFOs over a beer, let me know!)

That's enough to get started with if you are interested in the topic. I have watched checked out quite a few others and discarded them from my playlist. Like so many other things, you have to find the right podcast for you.

As for my own experiences - if you truly want the details invite me to the pub, buy me a beer or two, and be willing to share your own thoughts as well. The truth, whatever that is (and I'm not saying ETs in UFOs), is out there. We just have to search for it.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Great to Get Away

We recently spent a week in Wales, enjoying the mist, cloud and rain that seems to be Summer this year.

The weather was, for much of the week, truly like that. And while I was attempting to be humorous, we actually did enjoy it.

We stayed in a place that is away from everything. It's in the middle of fields, far from civilisation. It has no TV, and we didn't even bring computers. Wonderful getaway.

Last time we stayed there was about two years ago during the week that hit 40c. Yes, it was hot but in the late evening I sat out under clear, starry dark skies and saw some amazing things. That couldn't happen this time, but the weather brought on a different atmosphere. Moody and mysterious.

We walked along clifftops in the mist, looking down at an angry sea pummeling the rocks below, and feeling quite medieval. We sat on the beach under grey skies and ate hot pizza. We walked across fields, with our small dog enjoying all the new smells. We even lit a fire one night and enjoyed our wine.

One of my favourite bookshops is down there, and I've never been disappointed with their selection of used books. I picked up a few, and even supported them by splurging on a new one.  It was one I had thought about buying anyway, but they had it for the same price and signed by the author.

And so I read a lot. I managed to finish two books I'd already started and read four more completely. As I said - cold wet evenings with no TV or computers to distract.

And now I can't wait for my next getaway.